Publications by CTF Members
The Clinician Task Force members are accomplished clinicians, often advocating and educating outside of the CTF in addition to their work with the CTF. This list attempts to compile at least some of the notable publications made by CTF members as they spread the word about best practice in seating and wheeled mobility services.
Last updated 3.21.22
- Paleg G, Livingstone R. (2022). Postural management for hip health in children and adults with significant cerebral palsy. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. 15(1):XXX. doi: 10.3233/PRM-220002.
- Lange, M. L. (2021). Clinical changes as a result of dynamic seating in a young adult with cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-6.
- Lange, M. (Feb 2021). Seizures. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 1. (pg. 22 – 23).
- Lange, M. (March 2021). Prematurity. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 2. (pg. 32).
- Lange, M. (May 2021). Spina Bifida. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 3. (pg. 30).
- Lange, M. (Oct 2021). Tilt in Space: clinical indicators. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 5. (pg. 46).
- Lange, M. (Dec 2021). Complex Rehab Innovation: Lauren’s Power Wheelchair Gets Smart. Directions, Vol. 6. (pg. 38 – 42).
- Lange, M. (Dec 2021). Recline: clinical indicators. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 6. (pg. 18).
- Livingstone, R., & Paleg, G. (2021, January 22). Enhancing function, fun and participation with assistive devices, adaptive positioning, and augmented mobility for young children with infantile-onset spinal muscular atrophy: A scoping review and Illustrative case report. MDPI. Retrieved March 20, 2022, from
- Masselink, C.E., Shuster, L., Morgan, K. A., & Hoover, D. L. (2021). Retrospective Chart Review Examining Differences and Timelines in Delivered Wheelchair Equipment in a Midwestern Dedicated Seating Department. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
- Paleg, G., Altizer, W., Malone, R., Ballard, K., & Kreger, A. (2021). Inclination, hip abduction, orientation, and tone affect weight-bearing in standing devices. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 14(3), 433–441.
- Taylor, Susan J. The Assistive Technology Outcome Measure Project Initial Impressions. NRRTS Directions. 12/ 2021, Issue 6.
- Lange, M. (2020). Wheelchair and Seating Selection. In Dirette, D. & Gutman, S. (Eds.), Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, eighth edition. Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA.
- Taylor, Susan J. Aging with a Disability: Research to Clinic. NRRTS Directions. 1/2020. A CEU article.
- Taylor, Susan J. What Just Happened? Advance for Directors in Rehab. Published online 12/2020.
- Paleg, G & W Altizer (2020, June). Everyday with Emmitt. Directions Magazine.
- G. Paleg, Livingstone, R.., Rodby-Bousquet, E., Story, M., & Maitre, N.L. (2019, September). AACPDM Hypotonia Carepathway. Retrieved from
- Capati, V., Covert, S. Y., & Paleg, G. (2019). Stander use for an adolescent with cerebral palsy at GMFCS level with hip and knee contractures. Assistive technology.
- Lange, M. (July 2019). Pain in People using Wheelchairs – prevalence, causes and interventions. In Directions. (p. 30, 32-34).
- Paleg, G., & Rodby-Bousquet, E. (2019, April 31). Commentary on "Early intervention and postural adjustments during reaching in infants at risk of cerebral palsy". Pediatric physical therapy. Retrieved March 20, 2022, from
- Lange, M. (May 2018). Let’s Get Moving! Providing Movement Within a Wheelchair Seating System.
- Lange, M. (Feb 2018). Power Wheelchair Alternative Driving Methods. In Directions. (p. 31-37).
- Masselink, C. E. (2018). Considering Technology in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(3). doi: 10.15453/2168- 6408.1497
- Paleg, G., Romness, M., & Livingstone, R. (2018). Interventions to improve sensory and motor outcomes for young children with Central Hypotonia: A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 11(1), 57–70.
- Sprigle, S. & Taylor, S.J. (2018). Data-mining analysis of the provision of mobility devices in the United States with emphasis on complex rehab technology. Assistive Technology.
- Altizer, W., Noritz, G., & Paleg, G. (2017). Use of a dynamic gait trainer for a child with Thoracic Level Spinal Cord Injury. BMJ Case Reports.
- Cohen, L. & F. Savage (2017). Chapter 32: Wheelchair Seating and Mobility. Physical
- Rehabilitation. Edited by S. B. O'Sullivan, T. J. Schmitz and G. Fulk. Philadelphia, FA Davis.
- Lange, M. (2017). Power Mobility: Advanced Applications. In Lange, M. & Minkel, J. (Eds.), Seating & Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide. Slack, Inc., Thorofare, NJ.
- Lange, M. (2017). Power Mobility: Alternative Access Methods. In Lange, M. & Minkel, J. (Eds.), Seating & Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide. Slack, Inc., Thorofare, NJ.
- Lange, M. (Feb. 2017). Dynamic Seating: The Results are in! In Mobility Management. (p 14-17).
- Lange, M. (Oct 2017). Joshua: a sleep positioning journey. In Directions. (p. 38-41).
- Lange, M & Minkel J (eds) (2017, November). Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide. Slack.
- Paleg, G., & Livingstone, R. (2017). Commentary on “ride-on car training for behavioral changes in mobility and socialization among young children with disabilities.” Pediatric Physical Therapy, 29(3), 214–214.
- Paleg, G. (2018). In regard to Byrne et al.. Pediatric Neurology, 78, 13.
- Arthanat, S., Elsaesser, L.J., & Bauer, S. (2017): A survey of assistive technology service providers in the USA. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology.
- Taylor, Susan J. (2017, November). Considerations When Working With a Person Who is Aging with a Disability. In: Lange, M and Minkel J (eds). Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide. Slack.
- Livingstone, R. & Paleg, G. (2016). Measuring outcomes for children with cerebral palsy who use Gait Trainers. Technologies, 4(3), 22.
- Rodby-Bousquet, E., Paleg, G., Casey, J., Wizert, A., & Livingstone, R. (2016). Physical risk factors influencing wheeled mobility in children with cerebral palsy: A cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatrics, 16(1), 165.
- Paleg, G., & Martin, K. (2016). Commentary on “relationship between Central Hypotonia and motor development in infants attending a high-risk neonatal neurology clinic.” Pediatric Physical Therapy, 28(3), 337–337.
- Paleg, G., Huang, M., Vasquez Gabela, S. C., Sprigle, S., & Livingstone, R. (2016). Comparison of the inertial properties and forces required to initiate movement for three gait trainers. Assistive Technology, 28(3), 137–143.
- Paleg, G., & Livingstone, R. (2016). Evidence-informed clinical perspectives on selecting gait trainer features for children with cerebral palsy. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 23(9), 444–454.
- Jones, D. & Rader, J. (2015). Seating and wheeled mobility for older adults living in nursing homes. What has changed clinically in the past 20 years? Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 31(1), pp 10-18.
- Paleg, G., & Livingstone, R. (2015). Outcomes of gait trainer use in home and school settings for children with motor impairments: A systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29(11), 1077–1091.
- Paleg, G., & Livingstone, R. (2015). Systematic review and evidence-based clinical recommendations for dosage of supported standing programs for adults with neuromotor conditions. Physiotherapy, 16(1), 358.
- Bauer, S. et al. (2014). Promoting a standard for assistive technology service delivery. Technology and Disability, 26(1), pp. 39-48. DOI: 10.3233/TAD-140403
- Lange, M. (2014). Brady: An Individual with Significant Physical Disabilities and Cortical Visual Impairment. In Augmentative and Alternative Communication: An Interactive Clinical Casebook. Plural Publishing, San Diego, CA.
- Casey, J., Paleg, G., & Livingstone, R. (2013). Facilitating child participation through Power Mobility. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(3), 157–159.
- Livingstone, R., & Paleg, G. (2013). Practice considerations for the introduction and use of power mobility for children. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56(3), 210–221.
- Paleg, G. S., Smith, B. A., & Glickman, L. B. (2013). Systematic review and evidence-based clinical recommendations for dosing of pediatric supported standing programs. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 25(3), 232–247.
- Bauer, S.M. & Elsaesser, L-J. (2012, September). Integrating medical, assistive, and universal design products and technologies: Assistive Technology Device Classification (ATDC). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 7(5):350-5.
- Elsaesser, L-J & Bauer, S. M. (2012, July). Integrating medical, assistive, and universal design products and technologies: Assistive Technology Service Method (ATSM). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 7(4):282-6.
- Bauer, S.M., Elsaesser, L., & Arthanat, S. (2011, May). Assistive technology device classification based upon the International Classification System of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 6(3): 243-25. 3
- Elsaesser, L., Bauer, S., Scherer, M. (2011, August). Assistive Technology Service Method (ATSM). Everyday Technology for Independence and Care (AAATE), Volume 29, Assistive Technology Research Series. Edited by: G.J. Gelderblom, M. Soede, L. Adriaens and K. Miesenberger. 1280 pp. Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-60750-813-7
- Elsaesser, L., & Bauer, S. M. (2011) Provision of assistive technology services method (ATSM) according to evidence-based information and knowledge management. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 6(5):386-401. doi:10.3109/17483107.2011.557763.